Friday, January 11, 2008

The 5 Unholy Myths Of Exercise

I would say on a given day over 50% of the emails I receive are about the myths I am about to dispel right now. People want to know how many crunches they can do to burn fat, and so on and so forth. Now, many of you will laugh about what you are about to read. You can't believe people actually do not know these things. Well, at one point no one knew these things, so let's all learn together. Here we go:

Myth #1: Crunches Burn Fat

If you read one of my previous postings about abs then you already know that doing crunches cannot and will not burn fat. Crunches, and any other ab exercise for that matter are used to strengthen mainly the abdominal muscles. However, if you have a layer of fat over the top of these abdominal muscles, you will never be able to see your abs. The only way to burn fat is with cardio, a healthy diet, and maybe some use of supplementation, but definitely not needed. MYTH BUSTED!

Myth #2: If I Am Not Sore, Then My Workout Was Not Any Good!

This is another common error when exercising. Just because you are not sore, does not mean you had a poor workout. Soreness is just a buildup of lactic acid inside your muscles from working out. As you workout more and more and you body becomes accustomed to working out and being pushed, you will not feel as sore anymore.

Myth #3: Strength Training Will Make Women Too Muscular

Again, this is not necessarily true. Strength training should be a vital component in any fitness program you embark on. Strength training with light weight and good form will be necessary for getting that toned look that many women search for. Cardiovascular training will not be enough to get this look.

Myth #4: When You Stop Strength Training, That Muscle Will Turn To Fat

This is along the line of crunches will burn fat. Fat and Muscle are two completely different things. This would be like saying water can turn to oil. It will not happen. When you stop strength training you will eventually lose the muscle you built up.

Myth #5: You Can Never Get To Much Exercise

This is a myth that many people are not to familiar with. It is possible to get to much exercise. This is called over training. When you exercise, whether it is weight training, or cardiovascular, your body needs time to rest. While you rest, your body rebuilds all the muscle that was broken down so you can go at it again. If you do not give your body proper rest time, it will not have time to rebuild and recover and you will not have the gains in fitness you would like. I recommend never staying in the gym longer than an hour and taking 2 days a week off. This has always helped me prevent over training.

There ya go, many of you already knew that, but for those who didn't I hope it was helpful. Email or post with any comments. Have a Good Night.


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