Thursday, January 24, 2008

Why People Fail At Fitness

You can list so many reasons for why people fail at there goal of fat loss. They range from the expense of food to motivation problems. I’ll start you guys off with a bang. The desire to lose weight RIGHT THIS SECOND… unrealistic! So many fad diets out there will tell you that you can burn off pounds of fat in a week or 10 days or some ridiculous number. The fact is, losing fat is going to be a change of lifestyle. If you force yourself to change your lifestyle with the tricks I will tell you, you have to burn fat. Your body will not have a choice. Many diets our there are boring and can mess with your lifestyle to much. When people eat the same boring food every day, why wouldn’t you stop dieting? I WOULD! Did you know a lot of the diets out right now can actually cause you to gain weight? That’s right…some of the diets I’m sure you guys have tried may have hurt you. That is because many diets do not have you eat as often or as much as you should. When you skip meals throughout the day, your body becomes hungry. When your body is hungry, your brain sends a signal to your body to store fat in your cells so you can stay energized. Bad news, huh? If you eat less during the day, you will actually gain fat.

Now, all these are big problems in the weight loss world, but the absolute biggest is the lack of exercise. Dieting is only half the equation. If you do not incorporate a healthy, active lifestyle along with your dieting, you will not make the progress you want. Sure, you may lose some weight, but a lot of that weight will be lean muscle. This means you really will not look any better. The fact is, you need to add some sort of cardiovascular activity to accompany your diet to make the progress you want to make.

So, let’s break this down and look at the problems with most dieting in the big picture. When your body gets too few calories a day it starts reaching into its reserves to get the energy needed for your body to work throughout the day. Your body will begin to break down other nutrients in your body such as fat, protein, and carbohydrates. You may look at that and say great, my fat is being burned off! The problem is that so is protein which is used to build muscle and give you that toned look, and carbohydrates which are a big source of energy. Well, your body can’t keep dipping into these nutrients and breaking down muscle forever. Instead, it will start to lower your metabolism to conserve energy. When your metabolism is lowered, the calories you were once cutting to lose weight will no longer help you lose weight. Wow! I bet a lot of you just learned what you have been doing wrong right there. Well, keep on reading your about to learn more.

How many of you have tried low carb diets? I’m sure a lot of you have by now. It was a huge fad diet for a number of years and still is. Well, look at this. When carbohydrates are reduced you will lose weight, I won’t lie about that. What kind of weight is it though? Every gram of carbohydrate contains 2.7 grams of water stored in your body. When you start to eliminate carbs, you will lose the water along with them. Water is not only good for your skin and the rest of your body, but you need water to filter out and help burn fat in your body. 24 hours after you begin depleting your carbohydrates, your body will start burning fat at a very rapid rate. This sounds great, but it can be very dangerous if you do not monitor your body all the time. Low carbohydrate diets can then cause such problems as weakness, vomiting, dehydration, and fatigue.

Muscle mass can be the single greatest thing in preventing and burning fat. I know many women out there do not want to get that bulky look of muscle. Well, you don’t have to. Doing light strength training along with diet and cardio can help burn off tons of fat and calories. 1 pound of fat only burns 2 calories a day to maintain itself in the body. The same pound of muscle expends up to 50 calories a day. Basically, by adding muscle to your body you can spend the entire day burning calories. How’s that sound? Let’s look at an example to break this down.

Lets say weighing 200 pounds at 25 percent body fat. That will equal out to 50 pounds of fat and 150 pounds of lean body mass. For some reason this person starts to eat a lot and gains 20 pounds of fat. They now weigh 220 pounds at about 32% body fat. They start to panic because of all this weight gain so they decide to crash diet to lose weight. They cut a ton of calories and start skipping meals. They lose these 20 pounds pretty fast and they are happy. What’s the problem? The problem is this is not the same 20 pounds they gained. They lost some muscle and some fat while dieting. Before you know they have put this 20 pounds back on and decide to do the same diet they did before. It worked so well before right? Well, they lose the 20 pounds fast again, the same as before some fat and some muscle. Do you see where I’m going. This person is getting fatter and fatter with each dieting period because they are losing muscle each time and putting back on more fat. Along with this, there metabolism is not slowing down because of the loss of muscle, so it will now be much harder to keep this weight off. As you can see, if you seek immediate results, it will not happen the way you want it to happen. Changing your lifestyle to be healthy will not happen in one day. It will take days and maybe weeks of habit forming, but you will do it the right way, and thank me for it. Have a great day!

the fitnessexpert

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